Loan-sharking activities prevention

Flat owners to register subletting of rooms with HDB

From February 1 this year, flat owners who sub-let rooms in their HDB flats will have to register with the Housing & Development Board (HBD) within seven days.

They will also be required to notify HDB when they renew or terminate the sub-letting of rooms, as well as of any changes to their sub-tenants' particulars. However, there is no need to seek prior approval for sub-letting of rooms.

HDB said that the new rule will support the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)'s on-going efforts to eradicate loan-sharking activities, and will better protect HDB residents. Through this, HDB will be able to capture the particulars of those who rent rooms in HDB flats.

The requirement will apply to both new and existing cases of room sublets.

For tenancies that commenced before February 1, owners will be given a six-month grace period from that date to register. Meanwhile, for sublets from February 1, owners will have to register with HDB within 7 days from the start date of subletting.

According to a statement from the HDB, the following information must be provided:

• Sub-letting commencement date
• Sub-letting expiry date
• No. of rooms sublet
• Rental per month
• Name of sub-tenants
• Household structure of sub-tenant
• UIN/FIN of sub-tenant
• Nationality of sub-tenant
• Citizenship of sub-tenant
• Ethnicity of sub-tenant
• Work pass of sub-tenant (e.g. work permit, employment pass)
• Sector which sub-tenant works in (e.g. service, construction, manufacturing, etc)
• Reasons for subletting

Registration may be done either online, or at the branch office, where staff will be able to guide them on the registration process.

Flat owners who flout the rule will face a penalty of up to $3,000. Those who repeatedly fail to comply with the requirement may find their flat compulsorily acquired by HDB.

Apart from this new rule, the other terms and conditions for sub-letting of rooms are unchanged.


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